AT&T Windows Phone 8M 찜?
Mobile 2010. 7. 24. 22:58 |AT&T가 Windows Phone 8M대를 찜하였다는 기사이다.
아이폰 독점이 끝나가고 있는 AT&T로서 아이폰에게 끌려가는 것보다
Windows Phone 7으로 애플과 협상의 지렛대로 쓸려는 생각이 있어 보인다.
하지만 과연 MS의 Windows Phone이 AT&T의 생각처럼 구세주가 될 수 있을 것인가?
적어도 AT&T를 비롯해서 이통사들이 MS의 차기작에 기대는 걸고 있지만
과연 시장에서 안드로이드와 아이폰의 틈새를 뜷을 수 있을지는
연말이 되어봐야 할 듯.
From :
Hooo-ee! AT&T have clearly got high hopes for Microsoft’s upcoming mobile OS reboot, Windows Phone 7.
Michael Gartenberg — technology columnist to the stars — tweeted out today that a trusted source told him that AT&T have signed up for eight million WP7 devices — which is approximately one million times more than the number of Kins sold.
To put that number in perspective, Apple moved about that many iPhones in the last quarter. Now, I can’t say how quickly AT&T expect to move those numbers, but they wouldn’t be expecting anything near the speed with which the iPhone sells. The point here is that AT&T have enough faith in the platform that they reckon they can move that much.
Of course, it it won’t be the networks that will decide the success of the platform; that part of the story lies in the hands of consumers and developers.
[via Slash Gear]
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