알파벳 순서의 코드명으로 유명한 구글의 안드로이드 플랫폼
드디어 다음버전에 대한 루머가 돌기 시작했다

그 하나의 후보가 바로 Honeycomb.

 곰돌이 푸우같은 안드로이드 로봇이 웬지 재미있을 것 같은 느낌...

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/08/19/next-version-of-android-to-be-codenamed-honeycomb/

Next version of Android to be codenamed “Honeycomb”

by Simon Chester on August 19, 2010

Android has a delicious history of codenames for its release versions,
with each major release reading like a tasty children’s book:

C is for Cupcake (v1.5)
D is for Donut (v1.6)
E is for Éclair (v2.1)
F is for Froyo (v2.2)
G is for Gingerbread (v3.0)
H is for…

What is H going to stand for? Well, rumours are pointing to Honeycomb, that natural treat that makes bee hives so tasty to munch on.

Of course, even the features appearing in Gingerbread are still off in the distant lands of rumourville, so don’t expect any news on features for at least a month or two.

But hey, at least you can be happy in the knowledge that you know what dessert Android 3.x is best represented by, right?

[via BGR]

Posted by 아브리얼

미주 Sprint 사업자가 HTC의 EVO는 안드로이드 2.2  Froyo 업데이트를 할 예정이지만
최근에 2.1로 업데이트 된 삼성 Moment와 HTC Hero는 하지 않을 것이라는
입장을 표명했다.

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/06/25/cue-the-sad-trombone-sprint-hero-and-moment-will-not-be-getting-an-android-2-2-upgrade/

사용자 삽입 이미지

구글 안드로이드가 1년에 2번 이상 버전 업데이트가 이루어지면서 이들 업데이트된 OS를
지원해야 하는 제조사나 구매한 단말의 OS 업데이트를 희망하는 소비자의 불만이 갈수록
커지고 있다.

더군다는 최근 iPhone의 iOS 4 업데이트 지원을 바라보는 안드로이드 유저 입장에서는
상대적으로 원할하지 않고 어찌보면 복불복 같은 제조사마다 천차만별 업데이트 지원으로
불만이 점점 쌓이고 있다.

실제 미주에 출시된 T-Mobile향 Behold II 단말이 안드로이드 2.1 업데이트를 프로모션 영상에서
언급을 하였다가 최근 1.6까지만 업데이트가 되는 것으로 입장을 바꾸어 유저들이
소송을 할 가능성이 있다는 기사들이 있었다.

From : http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2010/05/samsung-behold-ii-owners-may-sue-over-android-2-0-snub/

“Dear Matthew,
Thank you for your inquiry. The SGH-T939 will never qualify for the Android 2X update.

Your continued interest in Samsung products is appreciated.


Technical Support”

제조사에서는 잦은 업데이트와 향후 불확실한 상황에서 어느정도 선까지 업데이트를
지원해야 할 지에 대해서 고민이 있고 유저들은 자신이 구입한 단말만 업데이트에서
제외되는 것을 상당히 두려워 하고 분노하고 있다.

애플은 자체 OS를 개발하고 이를 이용하여 1년에 한 모델정도로 제품을 출시하기 때문에
OS  업데이트에 유연성을 발휘하기 쉽지만 안드로이드를 구글에 의존하는 제조사 입장에서는
약간의 구글의 로드맵 정보만 가지고 쉽사리 업데이트 약속을 하기가 어려운 것이 사실

하지만 노멀폰도 아닌 스마트폰 시대가 온 이상 OS 업데이트에 소홀해서는 더 이상
소비자의 사랑을 받을 수 없는 것은 자명하고 현재 구굴의 안드로이드 업데이트 속도를 볼때
제조사에서는 적어도 향후 2버전까지는 업데이트를 보장을 해주는 것이 바람직해 보인다.

물론 하드웨어적인 제약이 따르는 큰 버전 업데이트가 생긴다면 어렵겠지만
그런 것이 없다면 신제품 출시 못지 않게 기존 유저들에 대한 배려는 필수라고 할 수 있겠다.

특히 국내 삼성이나 LG의 경우 이런 것에 대해 상당히 부족하여 유저들의 불만을
많이 얻어왔으므로 개선된 모습으로 기존 이미지를 씻을 필요도 있어 보인다.

아이폰 3GS 유저들이 OS 업데이트 만으로 iPhone 4유저에 비해서 그렇게 박탈감을 덜 느끼는
것을 이해한다면 이런 지속적인 업데이트가 얼마나 유저들의 충성도를 올리는 지름길이라는 것을
잘 고려해야 할 것이다.

물론 그래도 제조사는 비용대비로 계산기를 두드리려 하겠지만 -.-

Posted by 아브리얼

모토롤라의 CEO 스티브 자 아저씨가 올 연말 2GHz 안드로이드 단말 출시계획을 밝혔다고...

- CPU 칩셋 밴더는 미정 클럭은 2GHz
- 그래픽가속칩은 Nvidia
- 플래시 10.1 하드웨어 가속
- 자이로스코프 탑재
- HD Video Recording 지원

과연 연말까지 이제 6개월 남았는데 2GHz 급이 가능하려나...

p.s. 설마 듀얼코어 1GHz 가지고 2GHz급이라고 헛소리 하는건 아니겠지 -.-

From : http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=225600269&subSection=Columns

Motorola CEO: Video Calling, 2GHz Android Phones Coming

Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha recently said that Motorola will field between two and four video calling-capable handsets by the end of the year to compete with Apple's iPhone 4.

Jha was speaking at the Executives Club of Chicago, and let loose several whoppers. First, the company plans to bring between two and four handsets with video calling to market by the end the year. Earlier this week, Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced iPhone 4, and its hallmark feature is video calling. Jha didn't say when the devices would become available, but Jha has previously said that it is launching to more Droid-branded devices with Verizon Wireless some time in June or July. "We will introduce new Droid products in the Verizon franchise," he noted. It is possible these could be the same handsets.

Video calling allows two mobile phone users to share a live, two-way video feed of one another, generally through the use of secondary, user-facing cameras. The recently released HTC EVO 4G has this feature (using software from Qik), as will the iPhone 4 when it goes on sale June 24.

Ralph De La Vega, the president and CEO of AT&T's consumer and mobility division, talked to the Web 2.0 audience about the recent Wayport acquisition, Uverse upgrades and the iPhone.

How banks are using mobile, online channels to serve customers

How To Serve Mobile Customers
That's not all Jha flapped his lips about. Jha also noted that it will be bringing an Android handset to market with a 2GHz processor on board. Jha didn't share more information about this device, but another Motorola executive indicated (off the record) that it will have every smartphone feature, and every smartphone technology possible crammed inside. Many of today's high-end smartphones are powered by 1GHz chips, many of them from Qualcomm. Jha didn't say which company is providing the 2GHz chip, but it likely also comes from Qualcomm.

Last, despite the competition, Jha noted that the Motorola Droid is still selling very well through Verizon Wireless. "(Droid) sales are going extremely well. If I could build more I'd sell more," Jha said. Motorola is suffering from the same supply chain issues that are hurting several other companies in the mobile space.

Posted by 아브리얼

조만간 안드로이드에서 플스 에뮬레이터를 구동할 수 있을 것 같다는 기사.

컨텐츠 시장은 애플 앱스토어가 독보적이기는 하지만 플스 에뮬레이터가
된다면 적어도 게임에서는 많은 부분을 보충을 할 수 있을 듯.

물론 Cortex A8 혹은 스냅드래곤 이상의 살인적인 하드웨어 사양은
좀 고민을 해야할 문제이고
터치스크린이라는 한계가 있지만 이거라도 어디인지...

빨리 볼 수 있었으면 좋겠다...

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/06/04/android-to-get-a-playstation-emulator-thanks-to-zodttd/

Android to get a Playstation emulator thanks to ZodTTD

by Greg Kumparak on June 4, 2010

We like ZodTTD. He’s a dude who just gets stuff done. Back in the early days of iPhone jailbreaking, he found his niche in building emulators for the platform; within months, he’d ported over pocket friendly versions of the SNES, Genesis, N64, Playstation, while somehow finding time to build things like an iPhone version of the VLC media player.

Now, after much demand by his fans, he’s building things for Android. His first project? An as-of-yet unnamed Playstation emulator.

ShaDenSu of DigitalDisbeliever got a sneak peek of Zod’s product earlier this week. According to her, Zod is collaborating with the author of the already well established NESoid/GameBoid emulators on the project, providing a pretty stable codebase for the stuff that ZodTTD brings to the table.

As you might’ve guessed, the PSX emulator requires some pretty beefy hardware. ZodTTD says it’s already running at a faster clip on the Nexus One than it is on the iPhone, and more optimizations are going to be made before release — but if your handset’s not packing a Cortex A8 or Snapdragon processor, don’t expect a reasonable framerate.

It’s not ready for release just yet, and, as far as I know, it’s ETA is.. well, whenever it’s done. It’s okay to drool in the mean time, though — trust me, you’re not the only one.

[Via NeverKnowTech]

Posted by 아브리얼

올 2월 MWC 구글의 에릭 슈미츠 CEO가 하루에 60,000대씩 팔리고 있다고
이야기한지 약 3달.

그사이 판매량은 매일 65,000여대의 안드로이드 폰이 팔리고 있다고

반명 애플은 같은 기간 지난 3달간 8.75M 하루에 약 96,000대를 팔았다고 한다.
리플에 보니 누군가 노키아 스마트폰은(대부분 심비안이겠지만) 235,000 매일 판다고 하는데
어쩌다 스마트폰 시장에서 노키아가 이렇게 찬밥이 되었는지...

국내 업체들도 제2의 모토롤라, 노키아 처럼 되지 않으려면 많은 노력이 필요할 듯...

Android’s daily shipment rate jumps up to 65,000 per day

by Greg Kumparak on May 14, 2010

Back in February of this year, Eric Schmidt used his keynote at Mobile World Congress to disclose an interesting tidbit: between Google and their hardware partners, they were then shipping a collective total of around 60,000 units per day. Not too bad, right?

Its gotten even better.

In a shareholders meeting yesterday, Eric took the time to update the number: three months later, they’ve climbed from 60,000 per day to 65,000 per day. By our math, that’s around 8% growth. If they keep steady at this rate, they should be pushing between 5.5 and 6 million Android handsets shipped per quarter.

As with the last time, unfortunately, it’s unclear what Schmidt’s definition of “shipped” is. “Shipped” and “sold” are generally two entirely different things, with “shipped” just implying that they had been built and sent out to distribution partners, whether or not it ends up getting sold to an end consumer. However, distributors don’t generally continue buying things if they’re not selling — and seeing as they’re buying more of these things than they were before, we can assume that most of these units are getting snatched up.

For good ol’ comparisons sake: In their last reported quarter, Apple sold 8.75 million iPhones. That’s roughly 2.9 million per month, or 96,000 per day.

Posted by 아브리얼

삼성이 작년에 출시한 스프린트향 안드로이드 단말의 펌웨어를 Eclair 2.1 로 업그레이드를
하였다. HTC Hero와 비슷한 시기에 이루어질 것으로 예상이 되었으나
의외로 Hero 는 아직 안되어 Hero 유저들의 원성이 리플로 -.-

국내도 이렇게 지원을 잘 해주면 국내 유저들이 이렇게 악플하지 않을텐데...

아무리 국내와 국외 물량 차이가 크다고 하나 국내 소비자들이 속상할만한 일이다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/05/14/samsung-moment-android-2-1/

It’s official: Android 2.1 now available for the Sprint Samsung Moment

by Greg Kumparak on May 14, 2010

Well, that was one wild journey. After a dozen or so false starts and a seemingly endless gaggle of leaked memos making promises that couldn’t be kept, Android 2.1 is now officially (really!) available for the Sprint Samsung Moment. Still no word on the update for the Sprint Hero. You hear that sound? Thats the sound of a million Hero owners collectively grinding their teeth.

The good news for Moment owners doesn’t come without caveats, though.

It’s not an over-the-air update, so there’s a bit of manual labor involved. Additionally, this update will wipe everything you’ve got on your device. Before partaking, make sure to back up all your apps, ringtones, pictures of your cats in people clothing, and any other crucial goodies you might have laying around. Text messages can’t be backed up, and aren’t synced to the cloud — so if you’ve got a text you like to turn to when the nights get cold and lonely, make sure to forward it to email or something.

Ready to dive in? You can find the update software here.

Posted by 아브리얼

아이폰, 안드로이드, WM을 가지고 하나의 멀티 밴드 기타를
완성을 한 개발자의 연주솜씨를 한번 감상해 보시기를...

정말 달인이라 할 정도로 터치폰임에도 오차없이 멋진 연주를 보여준다.

p.s. 이 좋은 음악에 단말 종류와 터치 감도의 정확도를 살펴보고 있으니 직업병인가 보다...

From : http://blog.stef.be/phoneguitar

Who said iPhone OS, Android and Windows Mobile don't play well together?

Music apps are a really cool type of mobile application, they let you you unleash your musical creativity wherever you are and are perfect to jot down a quick idea or to jam along.
For years one of my favorite pastimes on the train was to do some retro musictracking with the brilliant Milkytracker, but this time I needed something more.
It turned out to be somewhat geeky, even for my standards :-)

 image image

The Phone Guitar is born out of a presentation I'm going to do next Saturday on MobileCampBrussels about mobile cross development.
To put my money where my mouth is, I decided to create the same mobile app - a small piano/drum sequencer thing -  on 3 mobile platforms: Android, Windows Mobile and iPhone OS.
As a developer I didn't quite succeed: audio latency is a b*tch and building the app from the same source proved to be possible but unusable, so I ended up writing it three times: in java for android, in C# for windows mobile and in Objective-C for iPhone. More on that later, but boy did I have fun playing with it :-)

To play them all at once I just taped them on a piece of wood together with a battery powered speaker.
Add lots of audio cables and TADAAA: a very playable guitar shaped instrument that makes a hell of a noise :-)

I added Pocket Stompbox, a virtual amp with lots of great real time effects and of course the FANTASTIC iShred app from Frontierdesign

In screenshots, the setup looks like this


Instant gratification! Rock on!!!

Posted by 아브리얼

국내와는 상관없지만 eBay 용 어플이 안드로이드용으로 드디어 릴리스가 되었다.
국내에는 옥션이 유명하지만 해외는 eBay가 자리잡고 있는데
모바일용 중고거래, 구매에 대한 수요를 eBay가 포기할리는 없을 듯.

하지만 미국과 Android 2.0 이상만 지원하는 것으로 보여서 이를 활용하지
못하는 유저들의 원성이 리플로 달리고 있다는...

국내도 옥션이나 G마켓 등이 모바일로 서비스 되는 날이 곧 오겠지?
인터넷이 워낙 잘 되어 있어서 외국보다는 활용도가 떨어지겠지만...

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/02/17/android-has-been-graced-with-a-new-ebay-application/

Android has been graced with a new eBay application

by Marc Flores on February 17, 2010

There’s nothing like finding and getting rid of junk on eBay,
especially if you’re a gadget hound looking to offload last month’s toys for the latest and greatest.
While it’s entirely possible to manage your eBay account on your phone’s browser, a dedicated application would make life so much easier.

The new eBay app for Android could make shopping, paying and selling through the online auction site a breeze. With eBay for Android, you can check the status of your auctions, navigate with voice commands, check status updates and view or leave feedback while on the go. It also gives bid notifications so you can keep track of items when the clock starts ticking and an auction is about to end. Of course, all of these options are something you would come to expect from the official version of the application.

Already huge in mobile commerce, eBay has been huge in 2009 with $600 million in gross merchandise volume, a 200% increase over 2008. This number is sure to grow larger in 2010 with the new mobile application along with over 60,000 Android units moving per day.

If you’re a power eBay user or just an occasional bidder/seller and you’re looking to pick up an Android handset (if you don’t already have one), you might want to take a look at the official eBay app, which is available now. If eBay gets this app just right, it could be a decent option over having to dig through your browser every time you want to get into your eBay account.

Here are some screens; click to embiggen.

Posted by 아브리얼

슈렉에 나왔던 쿠키 몬스터가 다음 안드로이드 버전일 가능성이 있다는 기사

빵가게 음식 종류 알파벳 순으로 안드로이드 버전 코드네임을 붙이고
있는 구글이기에 다음 버전 코드네임에 대한 재미있는 추측들이
나오고 있는데

Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo 다음으로 이번에는 Gingerbread
빵가게 메뉴야 한정이 되어 있으니 Froyo같이 합성어가 아니라면
추측이 어렵지는 않을 듯.

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/02/09/android-update-after-next-likely-to-be-codenamed-gingerbread/

Android update after next likely to be codenamed “Gingerbread”

by Greg Kumparak on February 9, 2010

As any good Android-obsessed geek should know by now, Google’s made a tradition out of alphabetically naming their firmware builds after sweets. Android 1.5 was “Cupcake”, v1.6 was “Donut”, v2.0 is “Eclair”, while the next release will be lovingly dubbed “Froyo”. “But what comes after that?!” you say from the edge of your seat.

According to Android kernel developer Brian Swetland, the next major build after “Froyo” will be known as “Gingerbread”. If nothing else, the good thing about that name: no matter what it contains, it’ll be a sweeter treat than the crap I was forced to decorate and eat as a child.

(Like the image? While I wish I could claim that little Android dude is just killer rendering on my part, I just ’shopped in one of the soon-to-be-released Android toys.)

[Via AndroidAndMe]

Posted by 아브리얼

애플과 구글 모바일 시장에서 부딪히는 일이 많아지면서
어떨땐 감정싸움 같은 초딩같은 반응들을 보여주는 경우도 있는데...

일전에 구글 보이스를 앱스토어에서 쫓아냈던 애플이 이번에는
'Android'라는 단어를 앱스토어에 금지어로 했다는 기사...

아무리 철천지 원수라도 이런식의 대응은 좀..
요즘 유행하는 초딩이라는 말이 적절해 보일 정도.

그만큼 애플이 구글의 행보에 많이 신경을 쓰고 있다는 단면이기도 하니...

얼마전 구글이 모바일 광고업체 애드몹을 인수를 하니 애플이 보란듯이 콰트로와이어리스社를
인수 발표를 하고 정말 여기저기서 티격태격하는 것이 너무도 드러나 보이기는 했지만

과연 다음 또 어디서 양사가 충돌할지 기대가 된다.

모바일 광고가 새로운 양사의 노다지 생산지이기 때문에 이런 충돌이 생겼고

다음에 또 격돌한다면 그곳이 다음 모바일 시장 트렌드가 될 것은 너무도 자명하니 말이다.

p.s.  설마 구글이 여기에 대해서 안드로이드마켓에서 Apple을 금지어로 올리는 우스운 상황은
발생하지 않기를...

From : http://www.pcworld.com/article/188696/apple_bans_the_word_android_from_app_store.html/

Apple Bans the Word 'Android' From App Store

JR Raphael, PC World

Feb 6, 2010 7:45 am

Apple App Store

By now, we're all familiar with Apple's culture of control. Particularly when it comes to the App Store, the crew from Cupertino is famous for its frequent rejections and vague explanations. The process can make the satirical comparisons of Apple and a communist regime seem pretty reasonable at times.

This, my friends, is one of those instances. Apple has apparently just forbidden a developer from using the word "Android" in his app's description. The message: Drop the A-word, or drop your application.

My response: Seriously, Apple?


Posted by 아브리얼