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이번 어플도 터치기반의 아이폰 UI를 잘 활용한 카메라 App이다.

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From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/07/23/camera-1-2-lets-you-select-exposure-points-by-touch/

Camera+ 1.2 lets you select both focus and exposure points by touch

by Dave Freeman on July 23, 2010

Normally, we don’t write about iPhone apps getting new features — we’d be overloaded if we tried to cover even half. With that said, the new version of Camera+ has a feature that’s just too cool not to mention.

The feature we’re talking about is called “Touch Exposure”. While Apple’s camera app lets you touch-to-focus on a point, it bases the photo’s exposure off that same point. Unfortunately, that leads to a lot of dark — but sharply focused — pictures. With Camera+ you use one finger to pick the focus point, and then use a second finger to select the exposure point.

This build is also significantly faster than those prior, and comes with a flashlight mode to boot. For $1.99, I’d say grab it.

Posted by 아브리얼