아이폰, 넥서스 원, HTC 드로이드, 모토롤라 드로이드, 팜프리
이렇게 5종의 터치 스크린 정확도에 대해서 로봇팔을 이용한 테스트가 이루어졌다.

예전에 테스트가 직접 손으로 했다면 이번에는 보다 정밀한 테스트라고 할 수 있겠다.

결과는 역시 아이폰의 압승. 칼같은 라인을 보여주고 나머지는 비슷비슷한데
모토롤라 드로이드가 꽤 많은 오차를 보여주었다.

자세한건 동영상으로 감상하기를...

p.s. 아직 삼성이나  LG는 스마트 폰 경쟁에서 밀려있다는 것이 이번 테스트에 빠진것으로도
느낄수 있다. 이번에 나온 Galaxy S는 어느정도일지...

From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/03/24/further-tests-confirm-iphone-touchscreen-superiority/

Further tests confirm iPhone touchscreen superiority

by Devin Coldewey on March 24, 2010

The last time I wrote this up, it turned (predictably) into a flamewar in the comments. Look, whether you think the iPhone is the world’s most advanced device or a toy for people who can’t handle real smartphones (I take no stance), you have to admit that its touchscreen is the business. The test I cited before was kind of informal, but they’ve redone it with a robot’s help, and the results are even more pronounced.

As I said before, this is something handset makers need to get on. Accuracy and responsiveness (the robot only tests the former, but the latter almost certainly correlates in quality) are essential to making a UI effective and enjoyable. Apple’s put in the work, and it shows. Whether or not Android or Blackberry is a better platform for this or that, one thing that’s undeniable is that Apple has taken a care with the hardware-UI interface that others haven’t.

[via Apple Insider]

Posted by 아브리얼