Windows Mobile 7 이 나온다면 이런 모습?
Mobile 2010. 2. 9. 23:00 |Locus OS라는 컨셉OS 소개 비디오클립이다. MS와는 아무런 상관은 없다.
단지 MS Zune과 HTC TouchFLO의 컨셉을 믹스한 것 같은 느낌 ...
Windows Mobile 7이 어떤 모습일지 말들이 이런 컨셉을 통해서 어느정도
예측을 해볼수 있을 듯... 뭐 믿거나 말거나지만...
p.s. 이번 Windows Mobile 7으로 MS 과 모바일 시장에서 과연 부활할수 있을지... 근데 언제나오는거냐 --+;
From :
by Devin Coldewey on February 8, 2010
Locus OS Interface from Barton Smith on Vimeo.
This isn’t official or anything, just a concept that happens to use some Microsoft assets, but what it Windows Mobile 7 looked like this? I think we all know it will not, but until the hammer actually falls at MWC, hope springs eternal. The “location-based desktops” idea is a good one for a MID or powerful smartphone that acts alternately as your email client, GPS device, and TV.
From :
Locus OS Interface
2 days ago 2 days ago: Sun, Feb 7, 2010 7:20pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
This project has no association with Microsoft. The project was originally intended for the Microsoft Next Gen Computer competition in 2008. Hence I also looked at the project from a branding perspective and how a product like this might become Microsoft's key arm along with Surface etc.
| Location-based operating system
| Multiple widget desktops designed around a location or activity ie Kitchen, Office, Car
| Automatically switches between desktops with GPS and wi-fi mapping
| Simplified Collections menu allows browsing via function rather than application
Designed for Stream adaptive computer system:
Note: This interface was designed before iPhone 3.0, Palm Pre, Android etc, making the ideas original at the time :)
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