아이폰4 App 'You gotta see this 차세대 파노라마샷?'
Mobile/Apple 2010. 7. 24. 23:03 |아이폰4의 자이로와 가속도 센서를 이용해서 파노라마 샷보다 다양한
구도의 연속 그림을 얻을 수 있는 App이 등록이 되었다.
$1.99의 유료 App이고 버그가 많고 완성도가 부족하지만
컨셉자체는 나쁘지 않은 듯.
이로써 아이폰4의 자이로센서의 게임외에 새로운 용도 하나가 추가된 것 같다.
From : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/07/23/you-gotta-see-this-panorama-app-for-iphone-looks-jankily-delicious/
Making panoramas — good panoramas, you understand — is a pretty difficult process. You can slap one together pretty quickly but you’ll have stitches showing, exposure issues, and so on — you have to get a program like Hugin configured correctly and tweak it a lot before you can get something worth printing. But what if you don’t care, and the stitches are part of the fun? This app, “You Gotta See This!” seems to go down that route, knowing that “real” panoramas aren’t likely to happen on an iPhone.
What you do is start the thing up and just wave that iPhone around in a semi-controlled way; the app keeps track of orientation and motion using the accelerometer and gyroscope, and puts together a panorama by shooting on rapid fire. The end result is pleasantly broken, and unique in a way many pictures aren’t. Note that this is for iPhone 4 only!
It costs $2, and honestly if I had an iPhone I’d be buying it right now.
[via TUAW]
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