올 2월 MWC 구글의 에릭 슈미츠 CEO가 하루에 60,000대씩 팔리고 있다고
이야기한지 약 3달.

그사이 판매량은 매일 65,000여대의 안드로이드 폰이 팔리고 있다고

반명 애플은 같은 기간 지난 3달간 8.75M 하루에 약 96,000대를 팔았다고 한다.
리플에 보니 누군가 노키아 스마트폰은(대부분 심비안이겠지만) 235,000 매일 판다고 하는데
어쩌다 스마트폰 시장에서 노키아가 이렇게 찬밥이 되었는지...

국내 업체들도 제2의 모토롤라, 노키아 처럼 되지 않으려면 많은 노력이 필요할 듯...

Android’s daily shipment rate jumps up to 65,000 per day

by Greg Kumparak on May 14, 2010

Back in February of this year, Eric Schmidt used his keynote at Mobile World Congress to disclose an interesting tidbit: between Google and their hardware partners, they were then shipping a collective total of around 60,000 units per day. Not too bad, right?

Its gotten even better.

In a shareholders meeting yesterday, Eric took the time to update the number: three months later, they’ve climbed from 60,000 per day to 65,000 per day. By our math, that’s around 8% growth. If they keep steady at this rate, they should be pushing between 5.5 and 6 million Android handsets shipped per quarter.

As with the last time, unfortunately, it’s unclear what Schmidt’s definition of “shipped” is. “Shipped” and “sold” are generally two entirely different things, with “shipped” just implying that they had been built and sent out to distribution partners, whether or not it ends up getting sold to an end consumer. However, distributors don’t generally continue buying things if they’re not selling — and seeing as they’re buying more of these things than they were before, we can assume that most of these units are getting snatched up.

For good ol’ comparisons sake: In their last reported quarter, Apple sold 8.75 million iPhones. That’s roughly 2.9 million per month, or 96,000 per day.

Posted by 아브리얼